Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Previous Downtown Toronto Freebies!

Since I live in the downtown Toronto area I always see companies giving out free samples or products. They are usually located on the corner of Yonge & Dundas, Mutual & Dundas, or around Queen Street West.

I realize that when I grab these free samples or products, I can't update my blog right away to inform others about these freebies (I don't have a data plan). But from now on, once I get home or to a WiFi hotspot, I want to ensure others know about these promotions going on!

For now I will just post information about free promotional items that I have been able to receive lately.

This past Sunday outside the Chapters Indigo at John & Richmond Street, due to Indigo Teen ARCs day, they were giving out reusable bags with a teen advanced reading copy (ARC) book, and a $5 gift card. I went with my significant other, and we both received one (they stamped everyone's hand to ensure only one per person).

Just last week around Queen Street West and Yonge & Dundas, Pepsi was conducting a small test of whether people preferred Pepsi or "The Red Guy" as they called Coca Cola. After doing the taste test, you received a bag of Spitz's Dill Pickle Flavoured Sunflower Seeds (did you guys know that Brett Laurie from the Blue Jays is pictured in their advertisements?). My significant other and I also received a can of Mountain Dew's new Citrus Charge on Mutual & Dundas Street.

It seems that energy drink companies such as Red Bull, Red Rain, NOS, AMP, etc. all love to provide free cans of their drinks to people around the Yonge & Dundas area! Is it because of all the university and college students around? I am not a fan of energy drinks when I need to be energized (to study), but I always grab one because I know friends who always pay for these drinks and they don't seem that cheap!

Hopefully the next time I see these freebies around the downtown core, I will be able to share it with everyone else. These promotions are usually never advertised, and one of the ways you can spot a nearby freebie is if EVERYONE seems to be holding onto one type of product! Then you'll know that a freebie is nearby.


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